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Plants | An Open Access Journal from MDPI
The SlCSE06-overexpressing (OE6) tomato plants exhibited a 197.94% increase in expression levels compared to the wild type (WT). Furthermore, the lignin content in OE6 was significantly higher than in WT, suggesting that the overexpression of SlCSE06 enhanced lignin formation in tomato plants.

Plants | January-2 2025 - Browse Articles - MDPI
Plants face a range of environmental stresses, such as heat and drought, that significantly reduce their growth, development, and yield. Plants have developed complex signaling networks to regulate physiological processes and improve their ability to withstand stress.

10th Anniversary of Plants —Recent Advances and Perspectives - MDPI
Published for the first time in 2012, Plants will celebrate its 10th anniversary. When the inaugural issue was launched, Plants had already published nearly 3500 papers and reflected the diversity and richness of research in the field of Plant science.

Plant Responses and Adaptations to Salt Stress: A Review - MDPI
To cultivate salt-tolerant plants, it is crucial to understand the physiological, biochemical, and molecular responses and adaptations to salt stress, as well as to explore natural genetic resources linked to salt tolerance.

Harnessing the Power of Plants: Innovative Approaches to ... - MDPI
This review summarizes current research to elucidate the multifaceted roles of plants in pollution mitigation, detailing mechanisms such as phytoextraction, phytostabilization, phytodegradation, and rhizofiltration; we highlight successful case studies that demonstrate practical applications across diverse environments, such as the use of ...

Plants | Special Issues - MDPI
Plants publishes Special Issues to create collections of papers on specific topics, with the aim of building a community of authors and readers to discuss the latest research and develop new ideas and research directions.

Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antiviral Activity, and Mechanisms of Action ...
Plants serve as a valuable source of new antimicrobials, and their secondary compounds, such as polyphenols, exhibit potent antimicrobial properties even at low concentrations . Polyphenols are derived from phenol, which consists of an aromatic ring and a hydroxyl group.

Progress in Elucidating the Mechanism of Selenium in Mitigating Heavy ...
Plants’ HM resistance can be more effectively enhanced by tailoring the application of Se fertilizers in stages according to the specific needs and growth cycles of various crops and judiciously allocating the proportion of base- and top-dressing fertilizers.

Molecular Interactions Between Plants and Aphids: Recent ... - MDPI
Understanding plant–aphid interactions is crucial for revealing the full range of plant defenses against aphids. When aphids infest, plants detect the damage via specific receptor proteins, initiating a signaling cascade that activates defense mechanisms.

Plants | Aims & Scope - MDPI
Plants (ISSN 2223-7747) is an international and multidisciplinary scientific open access journal that covers all key areas of plant science. It publishes review articles, regular research articles, communications, and short notes in the fields of structural, functional and experimental botany.



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